Financial Giving

Giving, and living a life of generosity are a natural part of being a follower of Jesus.  Everyone has three resources in which to give generously – our time, our energy and our money.  

The money you give goes a long way in enabling Mahurangi Vineyard to be the church God intended it to be and for us to outwork our Mission of Loving God, Loving People and Loving Life.

Give One-off

If you would like to give a one off donation, click below to give via secure credit card payment

Give Regularly

Mahurangi Vineyard account details are:
ASB Bank Warkworth
Warkworth Mahurangi Community Trust Board
Bank account: 12-3105-0022410-00

Code: Your Name

Reference: Type of giving (e.g. Tithe, BBall, NA, Sound)

MVC ‘Special Focus’ Giving

We are excited to be fundraising for 3 focus areas at MVC. We would love to invite you to sow into these key areas. Your support will bless our youth, our NA community and those who worship with us on a Sunday.

Special Focus Areas:

  1. Youth - we are raising funds to create a 1/2 basketball court on our premises. This will be a space for our youth and the youth of our community to gather before, during and after youth. We see this as a great first step to introduce young people to the love of Jesus. Goal of $15k to do this.

  2. NA Community Meal - every Tuesday evening Wilson Hall is full of beautiful people on the journey of addiction recovery. It is our privilege to serve them a hot meal and dessert each week. This comes at a cost of approximately $200 per week to feed up to 50 people.

  3. Sound - we would love to be able to upgrade the acoustics in Wilson Hall to better absorb sound (cost estimate of $10k) and we need to update the sound equipment in the Chapel to ensure you have the fullness of sound no matter where you are sitting (cost estimate of 15K)

If you would like to give to the MVC ‘Special Focus’ giving the account details are:
ASB Bank Warkworth
Warkworth Mahurangi Community Trust Board

Code: Your Name

Reference: Type of giving (e.g. Youth, NA, Sound)

As Mahurangi Vineyard is a Charitable Trust, any identified money given will be issued a receipt at the end of the financial year.  You can then claim a tax rebate.  As an individual, donations up to 33% of your taxable income can be claimed as a rebate.  Donations can be made by automatic payment or during the opportunity given at our Sunday morning service.