Out of the box (Food Parcels)

The aim of Out of the Box (Mahurangi Vineyards foodbank service) is to bring love and hope to our community.  Food not only sustains it also connects people, removes isolation, reduces financial stress and encourages individuals and family units/relationships in a very practical way.  This is a tangible way as a church and community at large we can support and encourage people who have hit rock bottom and don’t know where to go or in some cases what to do. 

We partner with New World, Warkworth and Pak n Save, Warkworth as well as working alongside many agencies in the Warkworth/Mahurangi area, including:

  • Warkworth/Wellsford Budget Service Inc.

  • Victim Support

  • Police

  • Waitemata Mental Health Unit – Nursing staff & counsellors

  • CAP – Budgeting Service.

  • Rodney Coast Midwives/ Warkworth Birthing Unit

  • Springboard Community Works

  • Church members and members of the public looking out for those in need within our local community

We work on a nomination basis, so, if you are in need, or know of someone who would benefit from this, please contact your local agency or email us on outoftheboxneed@gmail.com.  We would love to offer our support.
